We love the newest TV advertisement by our Industry’s Trade Association, the Vapor Technology Association (VTA). Courtesy of the Vapor Technology Association (VTA),...
Washington, D.C., October 25, 2019 — The Vapor Technology Association (VTA), as part of an aggressive multimedia campaign to raise awareness of the significant adverse public health and economic...
As more and more vape supporters and activists fight to protect the right to vape, the political landscape adjusts. In an article recently posted on Roll Call, author Sidney Yudain notes that the recent...
As we reported on our blog on October 4th, the FDA recently issued a new statement warning against THC products and ‘Black Market’ products specifically as it relates to the ongoing ‘vaping illness’ investigation. ...
In this tumultuous time for our Industry, please know that our support is with you. To provide additional support to you and your business during this time, we've outlined the latest information on the...
In this tumultuous time for our Industry, please know that our support is with you. To provide additional support to you and your business during this time, we've outlined the latest information on the...
In this tumultuous time for our Industry, please know that our support is with you. To provide additional support to you and your business during this time, we've outlined the latest information on the...