Welcome to another installment of ‘Meet the Beasts’. This week we dive into the enigmatic phantom that is Steve Venzor. Steve, a man shaped by the haunting echo of a synth filled pop era and a tragic love of the Dallas Cowboys.
Hearing Steve sing A-ha’s “Take On Me” is a dead giveaway that he is an 80’s baby through and through...that and outrageous stories of partying with Alf and Reagan. I’m not saying I agree with it, or that it’s even true, but Steve might have played a part in the invention of the piano key necktie.
With all that said, Steve is an incredibly hard worker that gets the job done. He’s typically one of the earliest in the office, and one of the last to leave. He is a quick learner and is a valuable member of our wholesale team!
We’re all very happy to be working with such a great guy and all-star teammate.