Earlier this year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced that it was regulating the batteries, circuits, wires, and anything vaping related. As of August 8th, 2016 TAG! Vapor products are now classified as tobacco products. The FDA acknowledges that its deeming regulations will eliminate over 90 percent of vapor products from the market in the next few years and for smokers who are trying to quit, this significantly reduces the number of options they have access. This does not sound like public policy does it?

Despite an overabundance of anti-vaping propaganda and misleading information, “responsibly manufactured vapor products are not only a safer alternative to traditional combustible products, they also provide smokers with a viable path to reducing their tobacco consumption and quitting altogether.” “Vapor technology is a growing industry comprised of the best that America has to offer. We are an industry of responsible manufacturers, wholesalers, suppliers, small business owners and entrepreneurs. “

Read more about how the FDA's misguided approach to Ecig regulation will harm public health in the long run written by the Vapor Technology Association's National Legislative Director Tony Abboud HERE.